



题目A branch-and-price algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging function

摘要In this report, we propose a branch-and-price algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging function (EVRP-NCF), a new VRP variant introduced to the literature recently. Although the electric vehicle routing problem (EVRP) has been a hot research topic in operations research, most of the existing EVRPs have an unrealistic assumption that the charging speeds of the charging stations are constant. The EVRP-NCF relaxes this assumption and defines the charging functions to be concave piece-wise functions. Until now, no exact algorithms have been proposed to solve the EVRP-NCF. Our branch-and-price algorithm is the first exact approach for the EVRP-NCF with a set of new dominance rules in the label-setting algorithm for solving the pricing problem. In opposite to the traditional dominance rules, ours consider a set of labels to dominate a label, hence significantly increasing the chance for a successful dominance. Computational results on the benchmark instances demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.

报告专家简介:罗志兴副教授于2010年在华南理工大学获得学士学位,于2014年在香港城市大学获得博士学位,现为南京大学工程管理学院副教授,主要研究的领域是运筹优化算法设计、智慧物流、智能制造等。他主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,发表国际知名期刊论文16篇,包括2篇发表于INFORMS Journal on Computing4篇发表于Transportation Science1篇发表于Transportation Research Part-B: Methodological以及1篇发表于Naval Research Logistics。他2018年参加京东物流举办的全球运筹优化挑战赛,在城市物流运输车辆智能调度赛题获得第一名。


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