

讲座嘉宾:汤珂 教授,清华大学社会科学学院经济所所长



汤珂 教授简介:汤珂,清华大学社会科学学院经济所教授、所长。主要研究方向为大宗商品市场(包括加密货币、数据要素)、金融科技和数字经济。在Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies等顶级英文期刊上发表多篇论文,目前担任国际期刊Quantitative Finance的执行编辑以及Journal of Commodity Markets的副主编。研究成果得到美国期货管理委员会、联合国大宗商品报告以及多家媒体的报道。获得过中宣部四个一批暨哲学社会科学领军人才、国家杰出青年科学基金、中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划(万人计划)等奖励,入选20202021年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。

讲座题目Closing Pressure, Predatory Trading, and the Negative Price of Oil


讲座时间:20226616:00-19:00 腾讯会议 ID587 472 421

讲座内容: 主要研究了2020420日收盘压力和掠夺性交易对NYMEX西德克萨斯中质油(WTI)期货负结算价格形成的贡献。我们构建了一个理论模型,表明急于平仓,即平仓压力,压低了WTI价格。经验检验结果证实了收盘压力的这种负面价格效应,但据估计,它将使价格下降到只有大约3美元。利用TAS (Trading at Settlement)市场的扩展模型进一步表明,掠夺性交易极大地拉低了日结算价格,模拟出日结算价格低于30美元。总的来说,收盘压力和掠夺性交易共同导致了油价的负值。

This paper examines the contribution of closing pressure and predatory trading to the formation of the negative settlement price of NYMEX West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude Oil futures on April 20, 2020. We construct a theoretical model and show that the eagerness to close long positions, namely, the closing pressure, pushes down the WTI price. Empirical tests confirm this negative price effect of closing pressure, but it is estimated to bring the price down to only approximately 3 dollars. An extended model with the Trading at Settlement (TAS) market further suggests that predatory trading greatly drags down the daily settlement price, and the price is simulated to be lower than –30 dollars. Overall, closing pressure and predatory trading together contribute to the negative price of oil.


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